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Morning Star Triple


  • Type
  • Chairs
  • Chair Capacity
  • Towers
  • Installed
  • Length
  • Vertical Rise
  • Ride Time
  • Vertical ft/sec
  • Fixed Grip Chairlift
  • 112
  • 3
  • 9
  • 1995
  • 2,692 ft
  • 519 ft
  • 6 min
  • 1.44

Three Solitude trails converge at the bottom of the Morning Star Triple: Daybreak, Line Drive and Lower Moonshadow. Riding this lift will allow you to get back to all three or jump back down to Solitude Express Quad.

The lift follows Line Drive up which is flanked on both sides by some of the most expensive homes on the mountain. You'll have a lot of time to dream about owning one because this lift is pretty slow.

Be sure to raise the safety bar slowly when exiting the lift. It tends to bounce back down if raised too quickly. 

Morning Star Triple is also the only lift where you could get stranded with no access to a lodge or a way to go down the mountain. The tops of the trails should be well marked with closing times. Occasionally you will see some people who didn't heed those signs and are attempting to hitch a ride from passing cars. Don't be one of those people.